Hello, I have created this website to list different loves for things, aka phile/philia. Such as midgephilia, the love of midgets. Most of these are going to be made up, and I will create a forum page for suggestions of philias. Please keep the philias to a PG-13 or so level, as there may be children seeing this. I hope you have fun and enjoy!
P.S. This website is in no way, shape, or form related to Wikipedia. I do not own the rights to Wikipedia, and so forth. This website is just for fun :)

Also, go to my friend's website at :D
Another thing: and this is super important:
MUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha...hahaha....haha....haa....ha....I was kidding about the important thing... no, i didn't lie, i just twisted reality to make it reality...
Wow, it's been a long time since I've been able to edit this stuff :/  I am no longer taking I.T. class so I don't get to edit this very often anymore...general school stuff has been getting in my way(stoopid school who needs it?)so hopefuly now I will be able to edit it mroe often.
Note: You may have noticed that there are no longer forums. They sucked, so I deleted them. To take its place is my actual forums website I have created! →→→→→→←←←←←←

    You can send me comments and suggestions on what to do with the site :)  you don't have to put your real name if you dont want to though.