Philia Words and stuff like that :D
Acidophilia-Live Acid
Alcholic-Love Beer, Liquor, etc...
Audiophilia-Lovin audio stuffs.
Braceophilia-Lovin braces
Bookophilia-Lovin books.
Chocoholic-Love chocolate.
Cheerleadophilia-Lovin cheerleaders, or love to cheerlead.
Facebookaholic-Addicted to facebook.
Feetophilia-Lovin on feet.
Footballophilia-Lovin on football.
Internetaphilia-Love the internet(who doesnt? But some people love it a tad too much)
Ipodophilia-Love ipods, ipads, and things of the sort(they really are awesome though...)
Mailophilia-Lovin the mailman
Meatoholic-Basically a carnivore, but loves it more.(mmmmmm.....steak......)
Microphilia-Lovin on smaller people(YAYAYAYAYAY)
Midgephilia-Luvin on midgets←♥(go this route, it's awesome)
Midgephilia-Lovin on midget(yes, this deserved a second space)
Necrophilia-Luvin on dead people.
Somnophilia-Lovin sleeping(or unconscious) people.
Spectrophilia-Lovin ghosts and things supernatural
Sweetoholic-Love sweets(3 Musketeers...mmmmmm...take 5...mmmm....crap, now i'm hungry)
Tallophilia-Lovin tall people(booo! short people rock)
Teratophilia-Lovin on deformed people
Videophilia-Lovin videoz.
Zoophilia-Love animals